It is a blog about programming from a wider perspective, presenting and comparing approaches and paradigms and helping to consciously choose the tools and architecture.
There will be no step-by-step tutorials showing how to use a library, tool or framework. There are many such websites and the form of the blog is not the best for that. If you are looking for something like this, I recommend these websites:
This blog will present observations and comments on the use of such tools as well as their comparisons and evaluations. It will also present good and bad practices in programming and project management and my thoughts on what the consequences are. All in the spirit of Clean Code & Software Craftsmanship.
Instead of the path of magic and secret knowledge, I propose an engineering approach in the spirit of the KISS and Clean Code principles. I believe that although it is demanding, it is also developmental and allows you to create code that does not become a huge ball of muddy pasta.
The main slogan of this blog is USE YOUR HEAD - THE DEVELOPER'S MOST IMPORTANT TOOL!
The blog itself works on my proprietary application and will grow with it. Instead of presenting empty examples, they will be implemented in it and exposed for your evaluation in the form of a code review as well as actual working solutions.
Go ahead and review its code - whole projest is published on GitHub.
This application is and will be developed unconventionally and experimentally. It is not supposed to be another standard project, but rather a litmus test of programming solutions. Open your head by looking at its code.
It is written in Kotlin, which is my favourite general purpose programming language. Behind each language is not only its architecture, syntax and purpose, but also the environment and culture of its use. There is a philosophy behind Kotlin that I support not only in programming. I mean brevity, comfort as well as readability and pragmatism. A large part of this blog is devoted to the world of Kotlin and the approach that this language proposes.
If you have any comments or want to discuss with me - feel free to write via:
Code smart!
Bartosz Błaszczak